Monday, January 28, 2008

Unique perspective on the Media and War

Hamish McKenzie | Dad's Was Vietnam, Son's Is Iraq:

"America in the 1960s was keenly focused on the media and the war that gripped its sons.

Not so in 2007, where the draft is a distant memory and the Iraq war fights for headlines in the multi-choice universe of the information age with Britney Spears and whatever company Google just bought. As American soldiers, Iraqi fighters, insurgents and innocent civilians are killed and even as the costs of war run into the trillions of dollars, many Americans still look the other way. 'My perception is that the American public pays less attention to coverage from the Iraq war, at least on a day-to-day basis, than they did to the Vietnam War,' says Christian. 'I think the US has gotten very insulated, very comfortable, very affluent.'"

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